...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

May 22, 2004

the countdown continues...in a non richard whitely kinda way

as the slow passage of time creeps up behind the waiting traffic jam of eternity, one wonders if in fact the exams will ever be over. make that preparation for the exams...

although...not to labour the point too much, my flight to australia leaves on 14th July! now as i do maths at A-level, you'd think i'd be able to work out exactly how long it is till then...so...ummm...well...errr...it's about...if you go from tomorrow...that's roughly...oh screw that, work it out for yourself.

preparations include: the realisation that i have no clothes that fit, buying travel insurance (which i haven't done yet), collecting the important pieces of paper that i will obviously misplace and not be able to find at the last minute, remebering that the police still have my passport, the fact that i haven't yet got a visa (AHH-minor panic), and so on and so forth...

in other news, i have booked my CBT (for those of you who don't know it's compulsory basic training to start riding a motorbike) for the wednesday of half-term, which i will consider as my 'no work, or work related activity day'. so from that point onwards i will be a biker chick, aspiring to the heights of harley davidsons...