...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

June 18, 2004

tis official i tell you

call me new/sad/a loser, but i got really excited the other day, coz my flight ticket arived in the post! i had been upstairs, and was just about to set off for school on me bike (the push bike i'm afraid), when the postwoman knocked on the door (a rather jaunty little knock i might add). there was a letter which had to signed for, and as i looked at the envelope i saw that it said 'airmiles' on it, and as they'd already sent the other stuff it could only be the tickets. so i had a little chat with her about it, and when she'd gone opened the letter to find all the tickets and whatnot...it makes it feel much more of a permanent fixture.


June 11, 2004

damn i'm good...at blogging


finally i have sorted out the picture shizzle. All ya have to do is go on to the blogger website and sign up for something called 'hello' of all things. (and yes i did start singing the lionel ritchie song )

anyyywhooo, here are the pictures of me and alex taken in his garden before his leavers. i hope you kids enjoy them.

dah-dah Posted by Hello

ahhh! no earrings! Posted by Hello

June 03, 2004

bring on the leathers...

well...i took it today and...I PASSED!!!!!!

it was terrifying when i went out on the roads, i went round braintree, stalling on a regular basis (at the beginning at least). the good point of this was however that as the bike was a kick start (see wallace and grommit - a close shave) i got DAMN good at kick starting it. anyway, the upshot of the shaky start was that by the time i got to the mcdonalds roundabout, i could change gear (relatively smoothly), slow down in time for the turning (intead of hurtling towards the junction at 30mph) and turn off the indicator as soon as i'd made the turn. it really was scarier than i thought, big up to the bike riders i see out on the roads in the rush hour, they make it look sooo easy.

now all i have to do is to ride around till i get the hang of my bike (unfortunatly it's not a kick start - grrrrr i was soo good at that bit). then when i get back from oz, i'll make myself familiar with the roads again and take the test :D

'tis all i have to say for now, but i leave you with this thought: i know where most of you live and if i can stall my way there, i'm coming to visit!!!

June 02, 2004

no i didn't do a titanic impression

well...alex's leavers has been and gone, and yes i did get the dress finished in time. once i get the pictures i'll put one in and i like to think it looked pretty good! unfortunately no one asked where i had got it...so no chance to say "oh this, i made it" and them the chance to admire it...but ah well. highlights of the evening included: spotting 10 lim(b)os (ahem), some one being arrested and lots of policemen turning up and a girl in tears the whole night, we reckoned it had to do with a boyfriend...or ex by that point.

for anyone who's interested, i'm taking my CBT (see previous post for further information). so far the half term has not consisted of tremendous, ground-breaking amounts of work...there has been some, i'm really looking forward to not having to write extended essays for a year. in fact when i'm in oz i won't have to do anything like that...man am i looking forward to it.

oh and even though the ball was on a boat, as the title suggests i DID NOT do an impression of kate winslet, as some did as soon as they got on board...lamers