...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

June 02, 2004

no i didn't do a titanic impression

well...alex's leavers has been and gone, and yes i did get the dress finished in time. once i get the pictures i'll put one in and i like to think it looked pretty good! unfortunately no one asked where i had got it...so no chance to say "oh this, i made it" and them the chance to admire it...but ah well. highlights of the evening included: spotting 10 lim(b)os (ahem), some one being arrested and lots of policemen turning up and a girl in tears the whole night, we reckoned it had to do with a boyfriend...or ex by that point.

for anyone who's interested, i'm taking my CBT (see previous post for further information). so far the half term has not consisted of tremendous, ground-breaking amounts of work...there has been some, i'm really looking forward to not having to write extended essays for a year. in fact when i'm in oz i won't have to do anything like that...man am i looking forward to it.

oh and even though the ball was on a boat, as the title suggests i DID NOT do an impression of kate winslet, as some did as soon as they got on board...lamers