...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

July 12, 2004

OMAFG, i'm leaving the country in 3, yes folks, that's THREE whole days...

well, the dawn of the travelling era rises above the horizon of the rest of my life and to be honest i'm a tad apprehensive...no strike that, i'm terrified! as everyone has said, "you'll have a great time, i'm jealous and i wish it was me!". this is perfectly true, but it doesn't stop me from feeling slightly nauseous about it. however i reckon that when i get there i'll have the time of my life to date, so i shouldn't complain really.

so as i can get the emo bit over and done with...i'm really gonna miss you all, and i mean ALL, kr3w, family, random friends...everyone. i ain't gonna lose contact wit y'all though, don't think it's that easy to get rid of me...there's email, msn, the occasional phone call, and of course snail mail. i want LOTS of letters, cards, postcards, telegrams, parcels (with things inside preferably cough my birthday cough) and anyway i'm gonna make loads of friends out there, hot men included [wink wink nudge nudge]...

oh and for those of you kr3w types, remember: this is a relatively PUBLIC blog (relatively being the operative word), so it won't have too many gorey details...oh and keep the comments clean please, any expletives you wish to hurl at me can be emailed to the usual addy. (sorry had to mention it, even if it was a bit formal)...

well the packing seems to be going ok so far, i have lots of new clothes courtesy of me mam...and a brand spanking new suitcase thanks to me dad. (spanx guys) now all that's left is to load it up (appropriate hand guesture koel). so whilst you kids have fun on your holidays and whatnot, i shall be haulin me case around heathrow...

toodles peeps...see yas all in a year!