...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

August 19, 2004


right...an update is required me thinks.

another week rolls on by and the weekend (a real weekend i'd like to add - TWO days, not one) looms ahead of me. this time however, instead of slobbing around at home doing nothing and going out as per on saturday night, i was whisked off to canberra to visit my cousins. now, i'm not sure whether or not you lot know the relative distances in australia, but for your pleasure and enjoyment i have found a map!

(map to be inserted when i can be bothered)

anyway the point is that the trip down was LONG. luckily i managed to blag a ride down. PHEW thinks i, man that would have been expensive! so off i go at the end of school, and i'm looking out for kangaroos, having not seen any an all, coz i've been told that you see them all the time on the way down to the capital. but NO, apparently not, not even on the way back either. and i STILL haven't seen one...ah well.

but moving on to the actual trip. i arrive in canberra in the dark, so i have no chance of knowing where the hell i'm going. mac, my dad's cousin, had told me that there was bus that went to near his house, so i set off to find it. i find the place it's supposed to set off from only to discover that the last one had left about 2/3 hours earlier. mmm...what to do...i had the address, and when i eventually walk all the way around the block to find an atm (hole in the wall), i had some money...a taxi it is then.

and i'm there...i slightly surreal experience i think you'll agree, meeting people for the first time, even though they're related to you and you've spoken to them on the phone a few times. they are all really lovely people so it was comfortable anyway.
that night we stayed in and watched the olympics and a few of duncan's and tim's friends came over for a drink. oh, i should probably tell you who everyone is...mac - dad's cousin, sal - mac's aussie wife, and their sons - tim, duncan, jackson and lewis. in fact here is a piccy of them (when i get the pic thing to work).

so that was pretty good, i found out some rather interesting things about them that night...anyway on to saturday. when eventually the boys got up, i'd like to point out that i was up at about 7:30...anyway, tim and i went into canberra and did a semi tourist visit, we went up the telstra tower, around parliment house and tim drove me aound the city pointing out the places of 'interest'. and again i'll put piccies of them in at some point, i even have a picture of me and tim to prove that we were there, so when that's developed i'll whop it on. then, as i'd had brekkie quite a considerably long time before we decided to have something to eat and do some much needed people watching after our hard afternoon of shopping. tim managed to cover himself in nachos every time an even remotely fit guy walked past, and there i was eating as neatly as i ever have, and checking out all the hot blokes.

anyhoo, we spent the rest of the day hanging around at home, watching the olympics and doing nothing much. they spent the entire time, well at least a lot of time, bagging me out about the fact that britain had won sweet f a and that australia had got sooo many gold medals, so i really relished the time when we beat them in the men's syncronised diving! (for those of you not up on aussie lingo, bagging out is the same as (for chris' benefit) extracting the michael)

after supper tim, duncan and i went round to one of duncan's mate's houses for a pre-pub birthday drink. this guy, who's name i've forgotten, was 19 that day and we had a few celebratory drinks. in fact we played one game which would take far too long to describe, but it is quite complicated until you get the hang of it and i didn't get the hang of it for some time, so you can imagine what that was like! we caught the bus into town and off we went for a big night out. for some obscure reason, don't ask me why coz i have no idea, duncan had been talking about slapping people on the arse and at one point in the evening he came up behind me and slapped me on the bum. now i don't know about you, but when that happened i was somewhat taken by surprise, but as most of you know, i give as good as i get... this wasn't a problem until tim did it. MAN did that cane. duncan actually heard it as a crack it was so hard! so yer...we got to the club and they wouldn't let me in! i had my drivers liscence with me, but they claimed that people had been making them on the internet and they couldn't be sure whether or not it was real. it sucks. out of the 6 places i tried to get into, 3 of them turned me away. harsh0r or what.

anyway, i won't bore you with the details of that night, i didn't score (boo hoo), but it was really nice to get out of orange for a while. it's annoying coz here when you go out there are always students around and it's really hard to do anything without being worried that you'll be the talk of the town for the next week or until something else happens.

so that's about it really...it was a great stay and i'm looking forward to the next time i go...but this time i'll take my passport, or at least a photocopy of it, with me.

so see all you crazy kids later, and remember...

