...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

March 09, 2005

the crimbo craziness

what do people love better than a mass gathering with friends and family and having a good time together? this is an account of my first hot christmas...

crimbo oz style

being a hobo at christmas people took pity on me and i was invited to no less than 3 different people's houses for the festive time. one of the girls in year 12 invited me over. milly is an awesome person and has replaced everyone as the m8, but only out here(!). so anyway i went to hers. She picked me up on christmas eve and we went out to her new property (her dad's grows olives and farms cattle). she'd asked if i could help out with the hay stacking. not to put too fine a point on it, it was bloody hot, around the late thirties. now this wouldn't be too bad if i hadn't been out in the sun all day and doing physical labour. we had to drive round the field and a sort of conveyour belt picked up the bales and then the people on the truck would stack it. i started on the back of the truck, but as there were two much more experienced men doing the job i thought i'd go down and keep milly company in the truck. it worked much better like that, coz i was just getting in the way (yer yer yer, as usual i hear you all cry). the only thing was that it was about 10 degrees hotter in the cab! so once the truck was full we'd take it over and take the hay off it and stack it back up in the hay shed. i went back the other day and appreciated the quality work!

eventually when we had finished and milly had nearly fallen off the top of the hay from exhaustion, we set off for yass, where we were staying.

later that night after a well earned shower and a meal of prawns (mmmm) we settled in for a night of fun. i have no idea how much i drank, only that whenever a new bottle of white came in we all had a top up! it was really fun, i learnt the nutbush (a stupid dance along the lines of the macarena or something similar), although i did suffer for it ever so slightly the next day...i was so ill (EUGH!). when i got up in the morning, christmas morning that is, i felt ok, had some orange juice and sat and chatted for a while, at which point i decided that a trip to the loo might be a good plan. the prawns made a reappearance...as i said, very very sick...

after the, ahem, cleansing i felt heaps better and was able to have brekkie and continue as if nothing had happened. it was a really nice relaxed day, we opened presents. i actually got some! the obviously thought i wouldn't be getting anything or felt that it would be strange for me without anything. anyway the point is that i had stuff to open, they were so nice to me. it was still strange that i wasn't wearing as many layers as i could. we still had the full cooked dinner, i just couldn't eat as much as i would usually, which doesn't say much really.

milly and i had long chats about everything and how annoying her older sister is, which we still do now. it was great fun. luckily they had airconditioning, so it wasn't too hot inside thankfully.

that was pretty much it really, came home to recover and ended up leaving for the beach the next day! but that's another story...