...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

March 15, 2005

it's my life, but not as i know it

i had one of those strange awakening moments the other day, when i realised that i was actually in australia and i was well and truely installed in the life of a gappy. yer yer yer, it's taken you over 7 months to realise it! i hear you say. ha! says i. my life is very different, or is it? i had a rude awakening of how different people's lives can become...

i got a letter from a friend of mine who i used to go to school with in year 6. liz hurr, if any of you know her...anyway she moved into her own flat in L6th and then decided to leave school half way through U6th. wow for a start! then she phoned me up and told me that she was moving to america to live with her mum! anyhoo, i heard nothing from her for ages then she sent me a letter just before christmas. she's moved in with her boyf! good for her i reckon. but it brought home to me just how much lives can change. she's the same age as me and yet her life is so different to mine. here am i still 'in school' and she's out in the working world at a ski resort and in a hospital. amazing how lifes can move apart...it was only 7 years ago that we were in the same class and planning out our lives. but there you go, some of you lovely lot are out learnin stuff at uni and soon i'll be right there with you. then once the 4 uni years are over, which will go pretty quickly i'm sure, i'll be off and in the real world. i'm going to try to come back to oz for a while after uni to visit everyone and to see the bits i didn't see. after that it'll be my life for the taking.

i'm loving this year so far, there have been moments of extreme depression, but they pass sooner or later. i've only got 4 months to go so i'll be back amongst you before you know it.

well better get on with life in this place. i'm in tech today and have lots of important jobs to do...

see ya