...well let me regale you with the gory details...of my year in oz!

July 29, 2005

home sweet home

ahh, it's good to be home...or is it?

of course it is! admitedly it is a little strange, and i'm getting used to old things again, like living in a village so boring you'd fall asleep if you stood still for too long. but all that aside, i'm working at the school tailor shop and it's good fun and i'm getting paid for it too...not much i'll grant you but it's still money! i'm working over at the LRH as well clearing trollies and stacking plates, not a particularly fun job i'll admit but again it's money and i always have a laugh with the group. so what else...there's still a lot to say about my trip but it'll come in installments and eventually it'll be all sorted. but as is the case in a lot of these things you won't know who i'm talking about most of the time and the jokes won't be funny to you coz a)they're probably not funny in the first place, and b) they're all in jokes anyway...

so i'm off to have some breakfast and get dressed ready for work. bye and see you later

ps i've now got somewhere to live at uni! and if you've got any tips as to how to survive in halls i'd be grateful for any handy hints you have. (how handy!)

June 04, 2005

ha ha finished

it's done, look down about 3 posts and i've finished the holiday post, it only took me about 2 weeks. 5 tries later and it finally published the damn thing...

June 01, 2005

big enormous almighty grin

woo hoo! thanks prill! i just got my kr3w tee!!! wow it's so cool! man that's awesome!!!!

anyhoo...i'm sitting listening to the stupid songs i just added to my blog. they're really rude! back home soon, can't wait, but life here is going to be so much better for the last 3 weeks of school. not much else to say. it's going to be great when the mates i've made over here come over to visit me in the mother country. i've already arranged to take one of the boys down to the isle of white to see my cousin's farm. actually he's coming to mine when he first gets to england, so you'll all have to come to the pub with us.

apart from that life floats along and not much is happening. off to adelaide in a couple of weeks...but i'd better get to work now, lots of stuff to do because i'm busy and important.

May 19, 2005

i may be some time...

now i know you folks are wondering what's going on, i'm not updating at all...well, yer yer yer, i'm on to it, kinda! so just check below this every now and again, coz i've got a post on the go, but i need to get round to it and finish. (i have an excuse, i need to check my diary so i can tell you exactly what i did!) but for now you'll have to be satisfied with this...

5 weeks of school to go, then about a week after that till i come home. sitting in the IT (DT) rooms this morning wasting a bit of time before i go and do work. i've got so many people over here who are coming to visit when they get to england. so many people to say goodbye to in that time. i'm making a sort of business card with my address, phone numbers, and a silly picture of me on it to give my friends here so when they come over they can contact me. this is one of theose random posts which says nothing, but goes a long way round doing it! in one of those moods today...

in other news, i'm having an aromatherapy massage this evening. in the summer hols around jan time i helped a couple of friends move house and they gave me the massage as a pressie and i've never quite got round to doing it till now. in fact there's loads of stuff i'm trying to squeeze in, in the last few weeks. i can't believe it's gone so fast! someone told me at the beginning that the second 6 months would go the fastest, but that's a load of...it's gone fast all the way through. it's been a fantastic year, some bad bits, but overall it's been me rolling from one good time to the next!

better go and do something, see you all soon love big bird (my official gappy name)

April 26, 2005

on the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again!

well another holiday has been and gone...the best one in my opinion, it's definitely on the list of the best weeks of my life. and that isn't an understatement...so here goes

to a town like alice

a bit about the other convicts, i mean travellers, so you know who i'm talking about:

rochelle: a crazy hairless canadian
ina: german, the giggliest person ever
claire: a fellow essex girl, very friendly
steve: claire's romford boyf, shy but great once you get him going
olivier: my french/columbian boy, a great dancer
janneka: dutch, my fav dance partner...mad times
erin: american, the other dirty mind on the trip (not quite as bad as me though!)
tom: a singing, guitar playing, pommy photographer
michael: german, we had a mad conversation about the difference between rocks and skirts!
kurt: austrian, nicknamed arnie...
manda: a human fly from america
richard: scot, very dry sense of humour with a voice like billy conelly
raymond: possible the most dutch dutchman i've ever met
marion: german, an animal on the grog
katja: a very quiet dutch girl, but good fun when she got the hang of it
miha (aka mike): an incredible person, crazy as hell and amazingly lively
scott: the fab tour guide and bus driver, aussie, top bloke
clint: arrogant aussie @#$*%&!

so the trip...

as the holidays swing round once again, off i go to the great outback of australia. it was me against the world this time as i set off to adelaide on me jonesome. as a seasoned traveller, and a fairly lucky person at that, i had no problem turning up to this as yet unexplored city and hoping it would all go well. so when i rocked up, knowing only the name of the hostel i was staying in, i managed to find a bus that went pretty much straight there! phew, thinks i. i eventually made it to the hostel unharmed, despite the fact that someone thought i was called sarah! adelaide is a really nice city, i am in fact going to go back and visit a couple of friends i made on holiday who go to uni there. anyhoo, off i trundle to find some supper. i wandered for hours and hours, nah, i found the restaurant strip and decided pretty quickly not to go to macca's. had some lovely pasta at an italian and then made my weary way back to the hostel. however i was ambushed on the way and did a personality test. well i know what you're thinking, she was obviously told what a fantastic person she is...again! well, of course that did cross my mind too! it was interesting actually, some of what he said i could have told you myself, some of it was bull, but some of it was fairly interesting actually. i'm not as active as i should be, which i knew anyway, but i'm good at communicating with others. so after that, i headed home, wary of anyone else carrying a clipboard. i sat on the balcony of the hostel writing in my diary and checking out a particularly hot guy at the next table. (sorry folks who didn't want to know that!)

i hopped out of bed and was ready to meet the bus at some ungodly hour in the morning, actually it was only about 6:45am, not so bad really. we picked everyone up and soon were on our way. it was pretty terrifying. it's amazing how that sort of thing seems like such a good idea at the time, then when you get to doing whatever it is, you suddenly realise what you've put yourself up for. the first day was quite a shock. everyone getting to know each other and still a little wary of who everyone was. we went up from adelaide through the flinders ranges and made our first stop in clare for a toilet break. then we stopped at the yourambulla caves (see linky thing) and looked at aboriginal art. that night we were eased into the nights with a night at angorichina, an old station where injured soldiers went to recover from typhoid after the second world war. not any more, unfortunately! we were wined and dined with beer and kangaroo...mmm, one of the best nights of food ever i reckon. this was the night people first started to get to know each other and definite groups started forming.

we drove along the oodnadatta track, parallel to the gahn railway, which used to be the only way across the outback. a stop at lake eyre south (not water whatsoever, just salty mud...but apparently when it floods the water can be up to 4m high!) after lots more driving we arrived at our second stopover, william's creek. this was the first night of swagging it, for those of you not clued up on the old aussie camping arrangements, a swag is a sort of big...oh read the link, it'll explain! william's creek is populated by an average of 10-12 people, so you'd have thought the pub wouldn't get much business, but there's so little in the outback that people have to stop somewhere to wet their throats with a little of the golden liquid. the pub was in fact full! mostly of us and another tour group, but there were some locals too. this pub is on of those places that's completely random and oddball. apparently the trend to staple things to the walls began when someone stuck up their business card and others followed suit. it's now completely covered in business cards, id cards, underwear (i think most of it was clean!), and all oddments of stuff attached to the walls, ceiling and anywhere that doesn't move! that night i met a lovely guy called damien. the first number scored that trip, and actually, the only one, if you're going to be pinikity! he offered to fly me to the next stop, but i couldn't abandon my new found friends...we were so similar, it was unreal, loads of those moments when one of us would say something and the other would say, "i know exactly what you mean!" the one problem with that place was the flies, the dratted flies...all over everyone and everything!

a drive through the outback to coober pedy. real life bedrock, i kid you not! the bus felt far too advanced for the town. i felt like i should be running along under the bus fred flinstone style. it's the opal capital of...well it's pretty damn good actually. because it's so hot out there people live inside the hills! no joke, they dig out their houses and can add rooms if they feel they want to, in fact lots of people find opals when extending their houses! one woman i spoke to had found an opal seam worth about $10 000 in her larder! on the way to this mad town we stopped at the dingo fence. it's something like...well, it's pretty damn long! we also stopped at a random hippie place filled with planes with their noses in the ground and shag wagons cut in half...strange stuff. it was manda’s 20th that day and we went out to the pizza place for dinner, then to the underground pub. just before we were about to set off for dinner mike rocked up with a handful of opals, mad individual…erin and i discovered our dirty minds, and we made many many insinuating comments. we had a tour of the opal museum and saw how they prepare the opals and went down into an old mine. surprisingly no one offered to buy me an opal…can’t think why, but one of the guys did offer me 60 cents! we stayed in the ‘bonkhouse’, originally bunk of course…it’s strange to sleep underground, cool but strange.

one heck of a long drive…and i mean all day long. i sat in the back of the bus with kurt, manda and marion. i came out a different shade of brown at the end of the day and i think i inhaled a fair bit of the dust too! arrived at yulara (ayres rock resort) and watched sunset over the rock. The group had a great time, we giggled and giggled all over the place and over a few a beers too! collapsed into our swags after sitting round the fire listening to tom singing and playing michael’s mini guitar.

sunrise (wake up at 5am!) over kata tjuta (the olgas – it actually means many heads in the local aboriginal language) then a walk around the valley of the winds, and yes it was indeed windy. walked around with michael and had a ridiculous conversation about rocks and skirts and the strangeness of the german language. rochelle discovered and rediscovered how annoying clint is. and i couldn’t my friggin camera coz i’d rolled it up in my friggin swag! so no exciting piccies for me! more sitting around the campfire and chatting and giggling. i also have to admit to going to the pub with clint, despite his despised status in the group, I just needed pub beer. swags again tonight, it was incredible being able to sleep under the stars, to go to sleep watching the constellations and then wake up and think it’s only 5 mins later! it screwed with our heads the first time.

sunrise over uluru, couldn’t find my camera…again, this time it was in my bag! (grrrr) walked around the rock, no i didn’t climb it they ask you not to, in fact a good quote from the bossy bot of paper, or was it the lonely planet (?), anyway, ‘how would you feel if people climbed all over your cathedrals?’ had some great chats on the way round and learnt about aboriginals and some of their culture. finally a bit of grass to sleep on! dust, and damn red dust at that gets everywhere! washed all the grit out of my hair. giggled a lot! ina gave me a fantastic head massage and i did a pretty good impression of sideshow bob with my hair in an interesting ‘do’, don’t worry i have photographic evidence…

the final day…the last time we had to get up at 5, thank goodness, it’s hard work getting up when it’s still as pitch black as night! so sunrise over kings canyon (watarrka) this morning, some fantastic shots, because, yes, this time i remembered my camera! woo hoo for me! today’s walk was actually quite tiring, lots of up and down and the heat was immense. the flies were the worst though, never have i experienced flies like that, i ended up taking 3 photos of the same thing because i thought a fly had got in the way the first 2 times, but they’re great snaps. it was the most incredible views of the area, you could see for miles and miles of outback and nothingness. after the walk, up heart attack hill and around the canyon, hot and sweaty, we set off to alice springs. relief all round as we fought each other to get to the showers and into the pool. it was fantastic – grass, showers and shade! went for dinner at the backpackers and started the drinking. ah and the beds! as much as i love swags it’s nice not too sleep surrounded by dirt. celebrated janneka’s birthday and did a beer bong…i’ve never burped so loudly in my life, in fact i was applauded for it. if it had been spirits, or smooth beer i’d have done so much better…too much gas involved.

the trip was mad, we had so much fun and the next day in alice was brilliant. we went out as usual and pissed about on the dance floor. i loved every minute of it. there are loads of little anecdotes that aren’t worth writing because they loose something in translation, but i’m sure i’ll be quoting things for ages. it’s fantastic that i can make friends so quickly and easily and that a lot of them will stay as close friends for ages. the only other thing i really have to mention is that olivier is very very sweet…

there you go, the only holiday i’ve written about and it was a bloody good one too.

March 18, 2005

"the world sucks, everyone's out to get me"

most of you know that i'm a pretty positive person, in fact the other day, in the pub, someone described me as aggressively positive! i just can't stand it when people spend all the bloody time moaning about how much life sucks and that they can't possibly have a good time doing anything...ever. so many people out here (not naming any names) have a very hard done by attitude to life. it's depressing and there have been times when i've found it just a tad too hard to bear. i mean i love a good moan as much as the next man but 24/7 whining kills the mood slightly. especially if those people then complain when for once i might mention that i'm not entirely happy about something...grrr!!!

but enough of that...

i reckon it's about damn time for another update of the holiday variety, so here goes it:

happy new year

so after a christmas with milly, i headed off to the mountains with thommo (one of the teachers i've become good friends with). his parents live in lithgow which is in the blue mountains, so we trundled off to see them. then after a few days of blustery winds and lovely home cooked meals we headed off on a long journey to nelson bay to meet his partner ann-margaret. we stayed with her dad and were no more than 15 mins from the beach. pretty cool i think you'll agree. on the way up thommo and i stopped for some lunch and at the time i was, well desperate (an understatement) for the loo. on aussie freeways there are very few garages and therefore the potential for a regular toilet break is limited. thommo had been making all sorts of comments about water, toilets and that sort of thing, so i mearly suggested in passing that if i could just let loose on his sheepskin seat covers in the jag! that shut him up for a while, you have no idea how long he spends with that car...so finally we reach a roundabout and what do i see before me but none other than about 20 portaloos all lined up where they're offering free tea! as i look longingly out of the window at them, thommo says 'no, we're not stopping'!!!! i nearly cried! but little did i know that there was in fact a servo around the corner where we stopped to get lunch. we pulled in and found a parking place and he hadn't even switched off the engine and i was out of the car and running, nae, sprinting across to the toilets. relief at last!

the rest of the holiday was uneventful...nah, only kidding!

for thommo's birthday we went over to a lovely little pub and drank lots of wine and on the way back i saw my second lot of dolphins. new years eve...the three of us drank 3 bottles of strawberry champagne between us, then we went to the pub...it was an awesome night with LOTS to remember! so here goes...

we went to the beach to sit and watch the fireworks at 9 and drank said champers. we then decided to move off to the pub, of course...this was the start of the 'events', let's call them. as you may or may not know, or may not even want to know, i've never had a boyf on new years eve, so have never had a proper new years eve kiss. as this is a year of new things, i decided to try to remedy this! we got to the pub and drank vodka, lime and lemonades. thommo nipped off to the loo, but that's not all he did...when he came back some minutes later, grinning to himself, i thought the queue must have been long or something, but no, oh gosh no. about ten mins later i felt hands on my waist and a rather hot guy swung round and tried to kiss me! thommo and ann-margaret were pissing themselves laughing at i wasn't entirely sure what the hell was going on! i had some chewing gum in my mouth and nearly choked on it and pushed said hot guy away. he was so mortified that he left and when i went to talk to him (well, apologise would be more accurate) he was pretty much the colour of beetroot! i felt so sorry for him, he must have had some real balls to come and talk to me. anyway, we continued to dance to an awesome band that were playing in the pub and at about a quarter to 12 we walked back to the beach and watched the fireworks. it was an amazing night. i don't remember exactly what time we went home, but it wasn't until the wee hours of the morning...

so there you go, nearly up to date...ish! more to come, see you all in 3 months!

March 17, 2005

sweet home alab...i mean essex

(cue large toothy grin)

i've booked my flights home. i'll be back on the sunday 3rd july at 6:35pm, but no doubt i'll be sleeping for the next day! it's weird coz now that they're sorted out it's made me not want to leave. i suppose because it's much more final/organised i've realised that i actually am leaving and that it's not too far away! ah well, can't wait to see everyone again and we'll have a big partay when we're all back together.

in other news...paddy's coming to visit me in 2 weeks! i'm so excited! just before people come to visit you realise just how much you've missed them. it'll be fantastic to sit in the pub in orange and talk about all sorts.

rightyo better be off, got work to do you know!